Things to know while managing your social media

We are not born in but we grew up in the world where everyone is living digitally. That’s why we are called millennials. Many of us are dependent on the internet like- if I want to be surrounded by professional people I visit LinkedIn, want to find recipes or dresses I visit YouTube or Pinterest, search for a restaurant I will search it on Google and see reviews. We can find any kind of people we want to meet on social media.

These things are for the personal use of social media. But when you manage social media account for your business, it is necessary for you to understand how to manage things.

As a social media manager, I know how hectic the whole process is? You have to build effective strategies for multiple social media account, keep on researching to find new marketing growth opportunities. Along with also keep eye on the performance of all the accounts you are handling. For getting a breathing space from such a hectic schedule I have collected some points in this article which you should know while managing social media.

  1. Quality of your content

On social media, posting content regularly is necessary as it keeps you visible in the feed every day. But it doesn’t mean you can post any false information or anything in which people can’t take an interest. So, the first thing is to recheck content before posting & the second thing is your content should create interest in your posts. When you do these two things before posting, people like and share it.

We need to create and post content that can’t just make a temporary impact on social media, you have to post it in a way people remember you and that post lasts for a longer time on trending social media.


  1. Research is the key

Research is of two types. First is what competitors are doing and the second is which platform is better for which type of post.

As a social media manager, you have to see what our competitors are doing and how you can do to stand out between all those. Because standing out on social media is the only way to grab the attention of people through your posts.

Talking about the second type of research, it is the way to check which platform is giving more engagement to which type of posts. For example, if I am posting memes I may not post it on LinkedIn, because for memes Instagram is one of the best platforms according to my research (it may differ according to yours). And the engagement percentage may also differ by consistency in scheduling the post on the social media platform.

  1. Use of editorial content calendar

Organizing things save your time and it can be done by using the content calendar itself. The content calendar should be editable as you can update it regularly. Here you can write the content, caption, hashtags, approval status, posting status, etc. It will take time to create it but this is a one-time task. To create a social media editorial content calendar you can use Google Calendar or Google spreadsheet.

To get the complete guide for creating a social media content calendar check out our post.

  1. Use tools to schedule your posts

You might get tired of posting the content manually on each social media platform at a specific time. So, here is the solution for this. You can schedule all the posts for all the social media platform at a time. Try using scheduling tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, SocialOomph, etc. I suggest you try buffer as I am using it for a long time and have a good experience with it.

  1. Be there as a real person

We have seen the people follow accounts of the person even if they don’t know them & fact is they follow real person more as compared to business accounts. Here I just want you to know that while managing social media try to be a real person.

If you are thinking that this is not so serious and not going to affect your business, then you are doing a big mistake. Because people will not be going to be interested in you if you are a faceless personality. As in today’s world people wants to know your business on a personal level.

  1. Know what’s trending

Being aware of trending things and posting something related to that keep increasing your follower’s interest in you. They start feeling like you know the trend and if they take services from you they get the best.

Trending things grab attention and also get viral. So, there are many chances of your post getting viral on social media. Also when you connect those trending posts like memes with your business, it shows your creative thinking.

  1. Make use of the Analytics tool

I don’t think I need to explain much about this topic, because if you have your social media account then you should analyze the result every day. Otherwise, how will you get to know are you going right or not? Do you are getting a result out of it? I won’t tell you how to analyze data because you may know better and of course it depends on your objective too. But you have to know the numbers to improve your strategy and be a successful social media manager.

  1. Identify your audience

Audience selection is the most important part of managing social media. If you have not studied the audience and showing your Ad posts to anybody, then you are wasting your money and resources. You have to do some research about customers to make them impress by your posts and invite them to connect with you.

For example, I am managing social media for my gym. Running ads inviting people to come to your gym who is your potential customers. But my Ad is also visible to people of age more than 60-70, is it the correct targeted audience group. It is not going to benefit you anyway.

So just be particular and do some research for selecting the audience group.

  1. Make relations rather than just getting followers

Before explaining, I just want to ask you one question? What would you choose 20K followers who ignore you or 200 followers who engage with you? I hope you will choose the second one. Because you don’t need 100 people who stop the chain, you need that one who can make the chain longer.

Don’t use social media as just a marketing tool, just connect with more people and build a strong relationship which will help you to market your business anywhere. The meaning of social media is the medium through which you can be social with a lot of people.


I have written this article from my personal experience to help you not to make mistakes as I did. It would be great to hear from your side what challenges you faced. Let us know in the comment section.


Frequently Asked question

What Is Social Media Management?

Social media management is one subset of digital marketing and is defined as the management of social media platforms to promote the growth of a business. There are plenty of options, from large firms to small businesses that help increase your business online. A social media marketing strategy can potentially bring your brand more customers, thus increasing your sales.

How does Social Media Management work?

 Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, have changed the way we communicate. Today, social media allows people to communicate and share information with others around the world instantly. Social media sites, allow users to share updates and photos with friends and family. Companies can use social media to promote their brands and connect with their fans. Also, you can use it to create an online community, stay in touch with friends, and promote your products and services.

How often should you post on social media?

Posting on social media is an essential part of any online marketing strategy. You need to actively promote your content to get your audience’s attention. Many small businesses post daily or multiple times per day to grab more reach and engagement. The number of posts you can make per day may vary depending on your post’s focus and your audience.


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